Terry Rich’s stories and his book, “Dare to Dream, Dare to Act,” were well received at an informal book signing in the south lobby of the courthouse Tuesday. More than 50 persons, many of whom have known Rich for years, visited and purchased the book for autographing.
Rich, a Cooper native, past CEO of the Blank Park Zoo and now CEO of the Iowa Lottery, interspersed stories of the Cooper centennial celebration in 1981, his successful business career, the Iowa Lottery, and tales of the friends at the meet and greet with his book signing.
Rich wrote “Dare to Dream, Dare to Act” as an accompaniment to a growing national presence as a motivational speaker. “It’s tough for all of us, I think. Day to day, we all have our problems,” Rich said. “But if you go at 10,000 feet and look back at what life is all about, what we really have been able to do, it’s pretty exciting. Our kids, our society, the friendships we have, it’s a lot of fun.”
The book is self-published and is available locally at The Printer’s Box or on Amazon. Rich donated the proceeds of the books sold Tuesday to the Courthouse 100 committee for use in the upcoming courthouse centennial.